RAD Studio VCL Reference
TSoapDataModule.GetRecords Method

Returns a data packet that contains the specified data.

function GetRecords(const ProviderName: WideString; Count: Integer; out RecsOut: Integer; Options: Integer; const CommandText: WideString; var Params: OleVariant; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant;
__fastcall OleVariant GetRecords(const BSTR ProviderName, int Count, int RecsOut, int Options, const BSTR CommandText, OleVariant Params, OleVariant OwnerData);

GetRecords provides the underlying implementation for the AS_GetRecords method (on the IAppServer interface) and the SAS_GetRecords method (on the IAppServerSOAP interface). GetRecords returns the requested records, starting with the current record of the provider's dataset.

  • ProviderName gives the name of the provider component that supplies the records.
  • Count indicates the number or type of records to retrieve. If Count is -1, all records are retrieved. If Count is 0, only metadata is retrieved. If Count is greater than 0, only Count records are retrieved.
  • RecsOut returns the actual number of records retrieved.
  • Options indicates what information should be added to the data packet in addition to data. It is a combination of the GetRecordOption constants.:
  • CommandText specifies an optional SQL statement that replaces the SQL of the provider's query, or the name of a table or stored procedure that replaces the provider's underlying database table or stored procedure. This parameter is ignored if the provider's Options property does not include poAllowCommandText.
  • Params is a Variant containing any parameters that should be passed to the provider's dataset before it executes to generate the requested data. It returns any output parameters.
  • OwnerData contains custom information that is supplied by a client dataset's BeforeGetRecords event handler. This information is passed to the provider's BeforeGetRecords event handler. OwnerData returns information supplied by the provider's AfterGetRecords event handler.
  • Records are returned as a data packet in a Variant.


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