RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMtsDataModule.AS_GetParams Method

Fetches current parameter values from the dataset bound to a specified provider.

function AS_GetParams(const ProviderName: WideString; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;
__fastcall OleVariant AS_GetParams(const BSTR ProviderName, OleVariant OwnerData);

Use AS_AS_GetParams to retrieve the current parameter values from the dataset associated with a provider.  

The ProviderName parameter specifies the name of the provider component whose dataset has the parameters.  

The OwnerData represents custom information that originates in a client dataset's BeforeAS_GetParams event handler and returns information that is passed to the client dataset's AfterAS_GetParams event handler.  

AS_GetParams_result (C++) or AS_AS_GetParams (Delphi) returns the parameters, encoded as a Variant array, where each element is a 2-element Variant array containing a parameter name and a parameter value. These parameters can be converted to a TParams object using the UnpackParams procedure. If the dataset has no parameters, or if the provider does not support parameter fetching, AS_GetParams_result (C++) or AS_AS_GetParams (Delphi) returns a Null Variant.

Note: AS_AS_GetParams should not be used to retrieve output parameters from stateless application servers, because parameter values may be changed by other applications. When writing a stateless application server, retrieve parameter values using the AS_Execute method instead.


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