RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMask.Create Constructor

Creates an instance of TMask for a given mask.

constructor Create(const MaskValue: string);
__fastcall TMask(const AnsiString MaskValue);

Call Create to create a mask object for comparing strings to the mask given by the MaskValue parameter. A valid mask consists of literal characters, sets, and wildcards. 

Each literal character must match a single character in the string. The comparison to literal characters is case-insensitive. 

Each set begins with an opening bracket ([) and ends with a closing bracket (]). Between the brackets are the elements of the set. Each element is a literal character or a range. Ranges are specified by an initial value, a dash (-), and a final value. Do not use spaces or commas to separate the elements of the set. A set must match a single character in the string. The character matches the set if it is the same as one of the literal characters in the set, or if it is in one of the ranges in the set. A character is in a range if it matches the initial value, the final value, or falls between the two values. All comparisons are case-insensitive. If the first character after the opening bracket of a set is an exclamation point (!), then the set matches any character that is not in the set. 

Wildcards are asterisks (*) or question marks (?). An asterisk matches any number of characters. A question mark matches a single arbitrary character. 


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