RAD Studio VCL Reference
InvokeRegistry.SetRemotableDataContext Function

Sets the data context that provides temporary storage during a call to an invokable interface.

procedure SetRemotableDataContext(Value: Pointer);
SetRemotableDataContext(void * Value);


SetRemotableDataContext assigns a data context for a remote call to an invokable interface. Once a data context is assigned, it is available to store the temporary objects and values needed for implementing a call to an invokable interface. If the application creates a TRemotable descendant while there is a remotable data context, that remotable object is automatically added to the data context and freed when the application frees the data context.

Note: The invoker component in a Web Services application automatically calls SetRemotableDataContext to set up a data context for incoming SOAP requests. Thus, there is typically no need to call this method in server applications.
Value is a pointer to a TDataContext descendant that temporarily stores information for remote interface calls. 


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