RAD Studio VCL Reference
TFilterComboBox.FileList Property

Links the filter combo box to a file list box control.

property FileList: TFileListBox;
__property TFileListBox FileList;

If the form includes a TFileListBox object to display a list of files to choose from, set FileList to allow the filter combo box to limit which files are displayed in the list box. Once the two controls are connected, whenever a new filter is selected using a filter combo box, the file list box displays the files that match the selected filter.  

C++ Examples: 


This example uses a file list box, a directory list box, a
filter combo box, a drive combo box, a label, an edit box,
and a button on a form. When the user runs the application
and enters a path or filename in the edit box and presses
the button, all the controls update:
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
  FileListBox1->FileEdit = Edit1;
  FilterComboBox1->FileList = FileListBox1;
  DirectoryListBox1->FileList = FileListBox1;
  DirectoryListBox1->DirLabel = Label1;
  DriveComboBox1->DirList = DirectoryListBox1;
  Button1->Default = true;

void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)


Delphi Examples: 

This example uses a file list box, a directory list box, a
filter combo box, a drive combo box, a label, an edit box,
and a button on a form. When the user runs the application
and enters a path or filename in the edit box and presses
the button, all the controls update:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  FileListBox1.FileEdit := Edit1;
  FilterComboBox1.FileList := FileListBox1;
  DirectoryListBox1.FileList := FileListBox1;
  DirectoryListBox1.DirLabel := Label1;
  DriveComboBox1.DirList := DirectoryListBox1;
  Button1.Default := True;


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