RAD Studio VCL Reference
IComponentEditor Interface

IComponentEditor is the interface that the form designer uses to communicate with component editors.

IComponentEditor = interface;
__interface IComponentEditor;


When you create your own component editors, they must meet two criteria:  

They must be descendants of TBaseComponentEditor

They must implement the IComponentEditor interface. 

The forms designer uses the methods on the IComponentEditor interface to interact with component editors.  

Typically, component editors are derived from TComponentEditor, which supplies a default implementation for IComponentEditor, or TDefaultEditor, which also supplies a default implementation of the edit method to bring up an event handler in the edit window.

Note: C++ method declarations that use IComponentEditor use the _di_IComponentEditor type instead. This type is a DelphiInterface wrapper around the IComponentEditor interface:

typedef System::DelphiInterfaceDelphiInterface_object< IComponentEditor >  _di_IComponentEditor;


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