RAD Studio VCL Reference
Temporary extension of TDBXMetaDataCommands class.
TDBXMetaDataCommandsEx = class;
class TDBXMetaDataCommandsEx;
You can use metadata commands to get database metadata, such as a list of tables in a database. Set the TDBXCommand.CommandType property to TDBXCommandTypes.DBXMetadata and set TDBXCommand.Text to one of the constants in the table to acquire the designated metadata. TDBXCommand.ExecuteQuery returns a TDBXReader to access the metadata.
Constant |
Description |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetCatalogs'. When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with a list of existing catalogs in the database. The TDBXCatalogsColumns and TDBXCatalogsIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. | |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetSchemas [catalog]'. When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with a list of existing schemas in the specified catalog(s). The TDBXSchemasColumns and TDBXSchemasIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. | |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetProcedureSources [[[catalog.]schema.]procedure]'. When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with source of the specified procedure(s). The TDBXProcedureSourcesColumns and TDBXProcedureSourcesIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. | |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetPackageSources [[[catalog.]schema.]package]'. When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with source of the specified package(s). The TDBXPackageSourcesColumns and TDBXPackageSourcesIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. | |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetRoles'. When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with a list of existing role(s). The TDBXRolesColumns and TDBXRolesIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. | |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetReservedWords'. When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with a list of reserved words for the database. The TDBXReservedWordsColumns and TDBXReservedWordsIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. | |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetViews [[[catalog.]schema.]view]'. When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with metadata for the view(s) specified. The TDBXViewsColumns and TDBXViewsIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. | |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetSynonyms [[[catalog.]schema.]synonym]'. When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with metadata for the synonym(s) specified. The TDBXSynonymsColumns and TDBXSynonymsIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. | |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetPackageProcedures [[[[[catalog.]schema.]package].procedure] [procedure-type]]'.When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with metadata for the specified package procedure(s). The TDBXPackageProceduresColumns and TDBXPackageProceduresIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. | |
Set TDBXCommand.Text to 'GetPackageProcedureParameters [[[catalog.]schema.]package]'. When the command is executed, a TDBXReader instance is returned with metadata for the parameters of the specified package procedure(s). The TDBXPackageProcedureParametersColumns and TDBXPackageProcedureParametersIndex classes describe and provide access to this metadata's columns. |
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