RAD Studio VCL Reference
TTable.BatchMove Method

Moves records from a dataset into this table.

function BatchMove(ASource: TBDEDataSet; AMode: TBatchMode): Longint;
__fastcall Longint BatchMove(TBDEDataSet ASource, TBatchMode AMode);

Call BatchMove to 

Copy records from another table into this table. 

Update records in this table that occur in another table. 

Append records from another table to the end of this table. 

Delete records in this table that occur in another table. 

ASource is a dataset component containing the records to import or (if deleting) match. The AMode parameter indicates what operation to perform (copy, update, append, or delete). This table is the destination of the batch operation. 

BatchMove returns the number of records operated on. 


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