RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomBucketList.AddItem Method

Inserts an item and its associated data into a specified bucket.

function AddItem(ABucket: Integer; AItem: Pointer; AData: Pointer): Pointer; virtual;
virtual __fastcall void * AddItem(int ABucket, void * AItem, void * AData);

TCustomBucketList uses AddItem internally to add items into buckets. AddItem does not check whether the specified item correctly belongs in the specified bucket; it simply handles the mechanics of adding the item into the bucket. If you need to determine the bucket in which an item belongs, use the Add method instead.  

ABucket is the index of the bucket in which the item belongs. 

AItem is the item to add to ABucket. 

AData is the data to associate with AItem. 

AddItem returns the value of AData. 


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