RAD Studio VCL Reference
TListView.LargeImages Property

Provides a list of icon images to display for each item in the list when ViewStyle is vsIcon.

property LargeImages: TCustomImageList;
__property TCustomImageList LargeImages;

Set LargeImages to specify the bitmaps that should be displayed next to items in the list when ViewStyle is vsIcon. Each item in the Items list can be associated with a bitmap in this image list by setting its ImageIndex property.  

C++ Examples: 


This example requires a TListView, a TImageList and a 
TComboBox. You will need to double click the image list and 
add several images to the image list prior to running the 
project. During the form’s OnCreate event 
handler, items for the List View control are created for 
each image in the Image List and the ImageIndex is assigned 
the number of the image within the ImageList. Two columns are
created so that when ViewStyle is vsReport, you will have
columns to view.  Also within the form’s OnCreate event 
handler assign the ComboBox each of the four TViewStyle 
constants to the Items’ Objects property. You could also 
simply code this within a series of OnClick event handlers 
as, for instance, ListView1.->ViewStyle := vsIcon.
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
  TListItem *Item;
  TListColumn *Column;
  const char imagenames[3][20] = {"C++ Image", "Borland Image", "Delphi Image"};
  const char Col2Array[3][40] = {"Documentation for the C++ icon.", "Borland icon.", "Delphi icon."};
  // Create a ListView item for each image in the ImageList
  ListView1->SmallImages = ImageList1;
  ListView1->LargeImages = ImageList1;
  for (int i = 0; i < ImageList1->Count; i++)
    Item = ListView1->Items->Add();
    Item->Caption = imagenames[i];
    Item->ImageIndex = i;
  // Create two columns to show during viewing as vsReport
  Column = ListView1->Columns->Add();
  Column->Caption = "Column 1";
  Column->Width = 200;
  Column = ListView1->Columns->Add();
  Column->Caption = "Column 2";
  Column->Width = 200;
  // Add View styles and constants to the Combo Box
  ComboBox1->Items->AddObject("vsIcon", (TObject *)vsIcon);
  ComboBox1->Items->AddObject("vsList", (TObject *)vsList);
  ComboBox1->Items->AddObject("vsReport", (TObject *)vsReport);
  ComboBox1->Items->AddObject("vsSmallIcon", (TObject *)vsSmallIcon);
  // Display first item in the Combo Box
  ComboBox1->ItemIndex = 0;

void __fastcall TForm1::ComboBox1Click(TObject *Sender)
  ListView1->ViewStyle = (TViewStyle) ComboBox1->Items->Objects[ComboBox1->ItemIndex];


Delphi Examples: 

This example requires a TListView, a TImageList and a 
TComboBox. You will need to double click the image list and 
add several images to the image list prior to running the 
project. You can use *.bmp or *.ico files from the 
\Images\Icons directory. During the form’s OnCreate event 
handler, items for the List View control are created for 
each image in the Image List and the ImageIndex is assigned 
the number of the image within the ImageList. Two columns are
created so that when ViewStyle is vsReport, you will have 
columns to view.  Also within the form’s OnCreate event 
handler assign the ComboBox each of the four TViewStyle 
constants to the Items’ Objects property. You could also 
simply code this within a series of OnClick event handlers 
as, for instance, ListView1.->ViewStyle := vsIcon.

procedure TComboForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  I: Integer;
  ListItem: TListItem;
  NewColumn: TListColumn;
  Col2Array[0]:= 'Documentation for Image0.';
  Col2Array[1]:= 'Documentation for Image1.';
  Col2Array[2]:= 'Documentation for Image2.';
  // Create a ListView item for each image in the ImageList
  with ListView1 do
    SmallImages := ImageList1;
    LargeImages := ImageList1;
    for I := 0 to ImageList1.Count - 1 do
      ListItem := Items.Add;
      Listitem.Caption := 'Image' + IntToStr(I);
      ListItem.ImageIndex := I;
    // Create two columns to show during viewing as vsReport
    NewColumn := Columns.Add;
    NewColumn.Caption := 'Column 1';
    NewColumn.Width := 200;
    NewColumn := Columns.Add;
    NewColumn.Caption := 'Column 2';
    NewColumn.Width := 200;
    // Add View styles and constants to the Combo Box
    ComboBox1.Items.AddObject('vsIcon', TObject(vsIcon));
    ComboBox1.Items.AddObject('vsList', TObject(vsList));
    ComboBox1.Items.AddObject('vsReport', TObject(vsReport));
      'vsSmallIcon', TObject(vsSmallIcon));
    // Display first item in the Combo Box
    ComboBox1.ItemIndex := 0;

procedure TComboForm.ComboBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
  with ComboBox1 do
    ListView1.ViewStyle := TViewStyle(Items.Objects[ItemIndex]);



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