RAD Studio for Microsoft .NET
DB Web Controls Navigation API Overview

Note: DB Web Controls (Borland.Data.Web namespace) are being deprecated in 2007. You should use standard Web controls instead.
Although you can use the standard DBWebNavigator control for most applications, you may need to exercise more control over the navigation in your application. The DB Web Controls now provide an API that allows you to fine-tune your navigation. For example, using the API, you can create a button that performs navigation directly, rather than using the standard DBWebNavigator control. Although you can hide buttons on the DBWebNavigator, you might want to place controls in different locations on the form. With DBWebNavigator, for instance, if you hide all buttons but Previous and Next, they still appear side by side. To place the buttons on opposite sides of the form, use the navigation API methods or the DBWebNavigationExtender control. Both allow you to turn standard web control buttons into navigation controls. 

To provide this capability, the DBWebDataSource implements new IDBDataSource methods, each of which perform a specific navigation task. You include these methods in the Form_Load event. You are not required to include click events. 

The following methods are provided:

  • RegisterNextControl
  • RegisterPreviousControl
  • RegisterFirstControl
  • RegisterLastControl
  • RegisterInsertControl
  • RegisterDeleteControl
  • RegisterUpdateControl
  • RegisterCancelControl
  • RegisterUndoControl
  • RegisterUndoAllControl
  • RegisterApplyControl
  • RegisterRefreshControl
  • RegisterGoToControl

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