RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMessages Members Protected Properties
Protected Properties
Lists the interfaces for nodes that represent attributes of this node. 
Lists the classes that the XML Data Binding wizard defines to represent child nodes of this node. 
Lists the child nodes of this node. 
Indicates the collection in which this node appears. 
Indicates the number of repeating child nodes. 
Provides access to the IDOMNode interface for this node. 
Lists the nodes that share this node's lists of child and attribute nodes. 
Indicates the main object for the node to which this node corresponds when it represents a specialized view. 
Indicates the interface type for the repeating child nodes. 
This is ItemNS, a member of class TXMLNodeCollection. 
This is ItemTag, a member of class TXMLNodeCollection. 
Lists the interfaces for the children that are repeated elements. 
Provides access to the document that contains this node. 
Identifies the object that represents this node's parent node. 
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