RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMessages Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TMessages.

This is FRefCount, a member of class TInterfacedObject. 
Occurs when changes occur to the attribute list of this node's HostNode
Occurs when changes occur to the list of child nodes on this node's HostNode
Implements the IInterface System::TInterfacedObject::_AddRef method. 
Increments the reference count for this node. 
Implements the IInterface System::TInterfacedObject::_Release method. 
Decrements the reference count for this node. 
This is Add, a member of class TMessages. 
This is the overview for the AddChild method overload. 
Adds a node to the HostedNodes property list. 
Adds a new repetition of the repeating child element to this node. 
Responds to notifications of changes in the list of attributes. 
Raises an EXMLDocError exception if this is a hosted node. 
Raises an EXMLDocError exception if this is a read-only node. 
Generates a DOM text node implementation if it does not yet exist. 
Responds to notifications of changes in the list of child nodes. 
Responds to notifications of changes in the list of child nodes. 
Removes all child nodes in the List property from the ChildNodes and List properties. 
Sets the value of OwnerDocument to nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++). 
Creates a copy of this node and returns its interface. 
Creates the object that implements the AttributeNodes property. 
Creates a new TXMLNode object for an attribute of this node. 
Creates the object that implements the ChildNodes property. 
Creates a new TXMLNode object for a child node of this node. 
Creates an instance of a TXMLNodeCollection descendant and returns it. 
Creates the object that implements the List property. 
Adds an attribute to the node that declares a specified namespace URI. 
Removes one of the repeating child nodes from this node. 
Returns the IDOMElement interface for this node if it exists. 
Generates a BeforeNodeChange or AfterNodeChange event on this node's document. 
Returns the IXMLNode interface for a hosted node given its implementation class. 
Returns the attribute node that declares a specified Namespace URI. 
Returns the namespace URI for a namespace prefix or qualified tag name. 
Returns the value of one of this node's attributes. 
Returns the value of the AttributeNodes property. 
Returns the value of a specified attribute when you must explicitly specify the namespace for the attribute. 
Returns a list of the classes that can implement child nodes of this node. 
Returns the value of the ChildNodes property. 
Returns the value of a specified child node. 
Returns the value of the Collection property. 
Returns the value of the Count property. 
Returns the value of the DOMNode property. 
Indicates whether this node has any child nodes. 
Returns a list an array of the hosted nodes that share this node's attribute and child node lists. 
Returns the value of the HostNode property. 
Indicates whether the node has a single text value. 
Returns the value of the List property. 
Returns the name of the node without any namespace prefix. 
This is GetMessage, a member of class TMessages. 
Returns the URI for the namespace used in the qualified node name. 
Returns the interface for one of the repeating child nodes. 
Returns the node name. 
Returns a reference to this TXMLNode object. 
Returns the type of the node. 
Returns the value of this node. 
Returns the interface for the document in which this node appears. 
Returns the interface for the node's parent node. 
Returns the namespace prefix of the node's name. 
Returns a node name includes a namespace prefix for a specified namespace URI. 
Indicates whether the node can be modified. 
Returns the text value of the node. 
Returns the XML that corresponds to the subtree rooted at this node. 
This is the overview for the HasAttribute method overload. 
This is the overview for the HasChildNode method overload. 
This is Insert, a member of class TMessages. 
Copies a child node from the ChildNodes property to the List property. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the AddChild method. 
Indicates whether a specified node represents the type of node that appears as a repeating child of this node. 
Returns the number of parents for this node in the node hierarchy. 
Returns the next child of this node's parent. 
Converts the subtree beneath this node to the structure it would have if it were just loaded from a document. 
Returns the previous child of this node's parent. 
Implements the IInterface System::TInterfacedObject::QueryInterface method. 
Registers a descendant of TXMLNode that can represent the children of this node. 
Registers a set of TXMLNode descendants that can represent the children of this node. 
Removes one of the repeating child nodes from this node. 
Removes a node from the HostedNodes property list. 
Forces all child nodes and attribute nodes to be reread from the underlying DOM implementation. 
Sets the value of one of this node's attributes. 
Sets the value of the AttributeNodes property. 
Sets the value of one of this node's attributes when you must explicitly specify the attribute's namespace. 
Sets the value of the ChildNodes property. 
Sets the value of the ChildNodes property. 
Sets the value of a specified child node. 
Sets the value of the Collection property. 
Sets the value of this node. 
Sets the value of the ParentNode property. 
Specifies whether the node can be modified. 
Sets the text value of the node. 
This is the overview for the TransformNode method overload. 
Updates the List property to reflect changes to the set of child nodes. 
Lists the interfaces for nodes that represent attributes of this node. 
Lists the classes that the XML Data Binding wizard defines to represent child nodes of this node. 
Lists the child nodes of this node. 
Indicates the collection in which this node appears. 
Indicates the number of repeating child nodes. 
Provides access to the IDOMNode interface for this node. 
Lists the nodes that share this node's lists of child and attribute nodes. 
Indicates the main object for the node to which this node corresponds when it represents a specialized view. 
Indicates the interface type for the repeating child nodes. 
This is ItemNS, a member of class TXMLNodeCollection. 
This is ItemTag, a member of class TXMLNodeCollection. 
Lists the interfaces for the children that are repeated elements. 
Provides access to the document that contains this node. 
Identifies the object that represents this node's parent node. 
Increments the reference count for this interface. 
Decrements the reference count for this interface. 
This is AddChild, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
This is the overview for the AddChild method overload. 
Responds after the last constructor executes. 
Responds after the last constructor has executed. 
Initializes the node collection object once it is fully created. 
Checks that the reference count is zero before allowing the interfaced object to be destroyed. 
Responds before the first destructor executes. 
This is CheckTextNode, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Returns a pointer to the runtime type information (RTTI) table for the object type. 
Returns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument). 
Determines whether an object is of a specific type. 
Returns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class. 
Returns the class reference for the object's class. 
Performs finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class. 
Removes all child nodes in the Nodes property from the ChildList and Nodes properties. 
This is ClearDocumentRef, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Creates a copy of this node and returns its interface. 
Constructs an object and initializes its data before the object is first used. 
Instantiates a Create object. 
This is CreateAttributeNode, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
This is CreateChildNode, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
This is CreateCollection, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Creates a TXMLNode instance that represents the same DOM node as another "host" node. 
Adds an attribute to the node that declares a specified namespace URI. 
Provides the interface for a method that processes message records. 
Removes one of the repeating child nodes from this node. 
Disposes of an object instance. 
Frees the memory associated with the TXMLNode object. 
Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter. 
This is DOMElement, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Returns the address of a published object field. 
This is FindHostedNode, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Returns the attribute node that declares a specified Namespace URI. 
Returns the namespace URI for a namespace prefix or qualified tag name. 
Destroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary. 
Deallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the System::TObject::NewInstance method. 
Returns the value of one of this node's attributes. 
Returns the value of the AttributeNodes property. 
Returns the value of a specified attribute. 
This is GetChildNodeClasses, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Returns the value of the ChildNodes property. 
Returns the value of a specified child node. 
Returns the value of the Collection property. 
Returns the value of the Count property. 
Returns the value of the DOMNode property. 
Indicates whether the node has any child nodes. 
This is GetHostNode, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Retrieves a specified interface. 
Returns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class. 
Returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class. 
Indicates whether the node has a single text value. 
Returns the name of the node without any namespace prefix. 
Returns the namespace URI for the node's qualified name. 
Returns the interface for one of the repeating child nodes. 
Returns the name of the node. 
This is GetNodeObject, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Returns the type of the node. 
Returns the value of the node. 
Returns the interface for the document in which this node appears. 
Returns the interface for the node's parent node. 
Returns the namespace prefix from the node's name. 
Returns the value of the ReadOnly property. 
Returns the text value of the node. 
Returns the value of the XML property. 
This is the overview for the HasAttribute method overload. 
This is the overview for the HasChildNode method overload. 
Determines the relationship of two object types. 
Initializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer. 
Returns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type. 
This is InternalAddChild, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
This is MethodAddress, a member of class TObject. 
This is MethodName, a member of class TObject. 
This is NestingLevel, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Allocates memory for each instance of an interfaced object. 
Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. 
Returns the next child of this node's parent. 
Converts the subtree beneath this node to the structure it would have if it were just loaded from a document. 
Returns the previous child of this node's parent. 
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. 
This is RegisterChildNode, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
This is RegisterChildNodes, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Removes one of the repeating child nodes from this node. 
Forces all child nodes and attribute nodes to be reread from the underlying DOM implementation. 
Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. 
Sets the value of one of this node's attributes. 
Sets the value of one of this node's attributes when you must explicitly specify the attribute's namespace. 
Sets the value of a specified child node. 
This is SetCollection, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Sets the value of this node. 
This is SetParentNode, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Specifies whether the node can be modified. 
Sets the text value of the node. 
This is the overview for the TransformNode method overload. 
Lists the interfaces for nodes that represent attributes of this node. 
Represents the values of this node's attributes. 
This is ChildNodeClasses, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Represents the child nodes of the node. 
Represents the values of this node's child nodes. 
Indicates the collection in which this node appears. 
Indicates the number of repeating child nodes. 
Provides access to the IDOMNode interface for this node. 
Indicates whether this node has any child nodes. 
This is HostNode, a member of class IXMLNodeAccess. 
Indicates whether the node has a single text value. 
Indicates the name of the node without any namespace prefix. 
This is Message, a member of class IMessages. 
Identifies the URI for the namespace used in the qualified node name. 
Indicates the node name. 
Lists the interfaces of the repeating child nodes. 
Indicates the type of the node. 
Specifies the value of this node. 
Identifies the document in which this node appears. 
Identifies the interface of the node's parent node. 
Identifies the namespace prefix of the node's name. 
Specifies whether the node can be modified. 
Indicates the number of interface pointers currently dependent upon the object. 
Represents the Text of the node. 
Indicates the XML that corresponds to the subtree rooted at this node. 
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