RAD Studio VCL Reference
AnsiString::Format Method

System::AnsiString::Formats a string assembled from an System::AnsiString::AnsiString, format, and a series of array arguments, args.

function Format(const format: AnsiString&; const args: TVarRec *; size: Integer): String; static;
static __fastcall AnsiString Format(const AnsiString& format, const TVarRec * args, int size);

Use System::AnsiString::Format to obtain an System::AnsiString::AnsiString whose value is the result of applying an array of arguments (args) to a given a format string (format). The last parameter (size) is the index of the last element in args (one less than the number of arguments). 

Note that System::AnsiString::Format is a static method. The returned value is a newly allocated System::AnsiString::AnsiString, even if the method is called from an existing System::AnsiString::AnsiString instance. 

For information on how System::AnsiString::Format assembles a final string from its format string and arguments, see System::AnsiString::Format Strings. 


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