RAD Studio VCL Reference
TServerClientThread.Create Constructor

Creates an instance of TServerClientThread.

constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean; ASocket: TServerClientWinSocket);
__fastcall TServerClientThread(Boolean CreateSuspended, TServerClientWinSocket ASocket);

Use Create to create an instance of TServerClientThread for a connection to a client socket, and add the thread to the cache maintained by the associated listening socket. 

Initializes FreeOnTerminate to true. 

Initializes Priority to tpHigher. 

Initializes ClientSocket to the ASocket parameter and ServerSocket to ASocket.ServerWinSocket. 

Starts the thread executing. 

Adds the thread to the cache maintained by ServerSocket

Sets the OnErrorEvent and OnSocketEvent event handlers of ClientSocket so that events are sent to ServerSocket

Signals when initialization is complete and the thread is ready for reading from or writing to the client connection. 


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