RAD Studio VCL Reference
IMimeAttachmentHandler.AddSoapHeader Method

Adds a specified header to the SOAP envelope portion of the emerging .

procedure AddSoapHeader(Value: string);
__fastcall AddSoapHeader(AnsiString Value);

Call AddSoapHeader to add an arbitrary header to the SOAP envelope portion of an emerging multipart form. This method should not be called until after a call to the CreateMimeStream method initializes the emerging multipart form. 

Value is the text of the header to add to the SOAP envelope. 

Typically, this method is called to add the ContentType header to the SOAP envelope when its value is not known at the point when the application calls CreateMimeStream.

Note: After all calls to AddSoapHeader have been made to add headers to the SOAP envelope, the application must call the FinalizeStream method to allow the MIME attachment handler to finish generating the multipart form. Only after the call to FinalizeStream can the application read the content of the multipart form by calling the GetMIMEStream method.


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