RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMtsDataModule.AS_ApplyUpdates Method

Applies updates received from a client dataset using a specified provider.

function AS_ApplyUpdates(const ProviderName: WideString; Delta: OleVariant; MaxErrors: Integer; out ErrorCount: Integer; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;
__fastcall OleVariant AS_ApplyUpdates(const BSTR ProviderName, OleVariant Delta, int MaxErrors, int ErrorCount, OleVariant OwnerData);

AS_AS_ApplyUpdates writes client updates to a dataset or database server. ProviderName specifies the name of the provider component that manages the update operation. Delta is a Variant containing the updated, inserted, and deleted records to write to the database. MaxErrors indicates the maximum number of errors to permit before rolling back the update operation; ErrorCount returns the actual number of errors encountered during the update operation. OwnerData is information supplied by the client application in a BeforeAS_ApplyUpdates event handler and returned to the client application in an AfterAS_ApplyUpdates event handler. It is passed to the provider's BeforeAS_ApplyUpdates event handler and returned from the provider's AfterAS_ApplyUpdates event handler. 

AS_AS_ApplyUpdates The AS_ApplyUpdates_result parameter returns a Variant that is a data packet containing all records that could not be applied.

Note: Applications can only call the protected AS_AS_ApplyUpdates method using the IAppServer interface. To apply updates directly in code from the application server, use the provider component's AS_ApplyUpdates method.


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