RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMenuItem.RadioItem Property

Specifies whether the menu item is mutually exclusive with other menu items in its group.

property RadioItem: Boolean;
__property Boolean RadioItem;

Use RadioItem to make the menu item behave like a radio button with a group of other menu items. The group of menu items is the set of all menu items in a pop-up or drop-down menu that have the same value of GroupIndex. When RadioItem is true, only one menu item in the group that contains the menu item can be checked at a time. The single selected menu item in the group is indicated by a round dot next to the Caption.

Note: RadioItem does not automatically select the item when the user clicks it at runtime: you must still explicitly set the Checked property to true in response to the OnClick event. RadioItem simply changes the appearance of the Checked state (from a check mark to a round dot) and automatically unchecks other menu items in the same group when you set the Checked property to true.
RadioItem does not work for the top-level items in a main menu.
Note: Under Windows NT 3.51, the round dot indicator only appears if the "new shell" has been installed.


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