RAD Studio VCL Reference
TPageProducer.HTMLFile Property

Specifies the name of a file that contains the HTML template used to generate the value returned by the Content method.

property HTMLFile: TFileName;
__property TFileName HTMLFile;

Set HTMLFile to the name of the file that contains an HTML template. The HTML template is a sequence of HTML commands and HTML-transparent tags. An HTML-transparent tag has the form

<#TagName Param1=Value1 Param2=Value2 ...>

A pound sign (#) immediately follows the opening angle bracket (<) with no spaces separating it from the angle bracket. The pound sign identifies the string to the page producer as an HTML-transparent tag. The tag name immediately follows the pound sign with no spaces separating it from the pound sign. The page producer converts the entire HTML-transparent tag into true HTML commands based on the value of the tag name. Following the tag name, the HTML-transparent tag can optionally include parameters that specify details of the conversion to be performed. Each parameter is of the form ParamName=Value, where there is no space between the parameter name, the equals symbol (=) and the value. Each parameter is delimited by white space. 

The angle brackets (< >) make the tag transparent to HTML browsers that do not recognize the #TagName construct.

Note: Setting HTMLFile clears the HTMLDoc property.
Note: When distributing applications that contain page producers which use the HTMLFile property, be sure to distribute the file along with the application. Also, be sure that the value of HTMLFile does not include a hard-coded path name that will not be available on the user's disk.




Specifying the HTML Template

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