RAD Studio VCL Reference
TBatchMove.AbortOnProblem Property

Specifies whether the batch operation is terminated immediately when it is necessary to truncate data to make it fit in the specified Destination.

property AbortOnProblem: Boolean;
__property Boolean AbortOnProblem;

Set AbortOnProblem to true to cancel the batch operation when types of the fields in the Source table records do not match the types of the fields in the Destination table records. Set AbortOnProblem to false to cause the mismatched fields to be "trimmed". When AbortOnProblem is false, set the ProblemTableName to have all the untrimmed versions of records that were trimmed saved to a separate table. 

Trimming a field means converting its value to a value compatible with the destination field type. For example, if a field in the destination table holds a string of size 10 characters, and the corresponding field in the source table holds a string of size 15 characters, any values from the source table longer than 10 characters must be truncated. Values that cannot be converted will cause TBatchMove to raise an exception. 

Trimming does not occur when the Mode property is set to batCopy. Trimming fields on a delete operation means that records in the destination table may be deleted that do not exactly match the values from the source table.

Note: To allow trimming on a field by field basis, use a TBDECallback object.






Handling Batch Move Errors

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