RAD Studio VCL Reference
DB Namespace

This is namespace DB.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists interfaces in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
EDatabaseError is the exception class for database errors. 
EUpdateError is the exception class for dataset provider update errors. 
A TADTField object represents an ADT (Abstract Data Type) field in a dataset. 
TAggregate field represents a maintained aggregate in a client dataset. 
TArrayField represents an Array field in a dataset. 
TAutoIncField is a persistent field object for an autoincrement field in a dataset. 
TBCDField represents a binary-coded decimal (BCD) field in a dataset. 
TBinaryField represents an untyped binary field in a dataset. 
TBlobField represents a field in a dataset that holds a reference to a binary large object (BLOB). 
TBooleanField represents a field containing Boolean values. 
TBytesField represents a bytes field in a dataset. 
TCheckConstraint represents a record-level constraint on a dataset component. 
TCheckConstraints contains a collection of check constraints for a dataset component. 
TCurrencyField represents a field that contains currency values in a dataset. 
TCustomConnection is the base class for components that connect datasets to a remote source of data. 
TDataLink is a helper class used by data-aware objects to coordinate the actions of TDataSource and TDataSet, and to respond to data events. 
TDataSet is the base class for all dataset components that represent data in rows and columns. 
TDataSetDesigner is the base class for all dataset designers. 
TDataSetField provides access to nested datasets. 
TDataSource provides an interface between a dataset component and data-aware controls on a form. 
TDateField represents a date field in a dataset. 
TDateTimeField represents a date-time field in a dataset. 
TDefCollection holds the definition objects (TNamedItem) that represent the specifications for database entities such as fields or indexes. 
TDetailDataLink is the ancestor to datalink classes that manage the relationships between datasets that are linked in master/detail relationships. 
TField is the common ancestor of all the field components. 
TFieldDef is a field definition that corresponds to a physical field of a record in a table underlying a dataset. 
TFieldDefList lists the field definition (TFieldDef) objects of a dataset in a flattened form. 
TFieldDefs holds the field definition (TFieldDef) objects that represent the physical fields underlying a dataset. 
TFieldList lists the fields of a dataset, flattening out the structure of any object fields. 
TFields holds the field (TField) objects that represent the physical fields underlying a dataset or an object field such as TADTField and TArrayField
Enumerates database fields. 
TFlatList is an abstract base class for objects that represent a flattened list of fields or field definitions. 
TFloatField represents a field that contains floating-point values in a dataset. 
TFMTBCDField represents a binary-coded decimal (BCD) field in a dataset. 
TGraphicField represents a graphics field in a dataset. 
TGuidField represents a guid field in a dataset. 
TIDispatchField represents an IDispatch field in a dataset. 
TIndexDef describes an index in a database table. 
TIndexDefs holds the list of available index definitions for a table. 
TIntegerField represents a signed 32-bit integer field in a dataset. 
TInterfaceField represents an interface field in a dataset. 
A TLargeintField object represents a large integer field in a dataset. 
TLookupList maintains a list of lookup values associated with a set of key field values. 
TMasterDataLink allows a dataset to establish a master/detail relationship. 
TMemoField represents a memo field in a dataset. 
TNamedItem is the base class for definitions used by datasets. 
TNumericField is the common ancestor of all the numeric fields in a dataset. 
TObjectField is the common ancestor of TADTField, TArrayField, TDataSetField, and TReferenceField components in a dataset. 
TParam represents a field parameter for a query or stored procedure. 
TParams manages a list of field parameters. 
TReferenceField represents a REF field in a dataset. 
TSmallIntField represents a signed 16-bit integer field in a dataset. 
TSQLTimeStampField represents a date-time field in a DBExpress dataset. 
TStringField represents a string field in a dataset. 
TTimeField represents a time field in a dataset. 
TVarBytesField represents a variable-length untyped binary field in a dataset. 
TVariantField represents a variant field in a dataset. 
Base class for all dataset components that represent Unicode data in rows and columns. 
TWideMemoField represents a memo field in a dataset. 
TWideStringField represents a large string field in a dataset. 
TWordField represents an unsigned 16-bit integer field in a dataset. 
This is constant DB.dsEditModes. 
This is constant DB.dsMaxStringSize. 
This is constant DB.dsWriteModes. 
This is constant DB.FieldTypeNames. 
This is constant DB.FieldTypeVarMap. 
This is constant DB.ftFixedSizeTypes. 
This is constant DB.ftNonTextTypes. 
This is constant DB.ObjectFieldTypes. 
This is constant DB.RegisterFieldsProc. 
This is function DB.BuffersEqual. 
Creates and raises an EDatabaseError exception. 
Creates and raises an EDatabaseError exception with a formatted error message. 
This is function DB.DisposeMem. 
Returns the next name in a semicolon-delimited string of field names. 
Returns the next name in a semicolon-delimited string of field names. 
Returns a TField object for a dataset and data control. 
Registers a set of field components so that they appear in the Dataset designer. 
Returns the field type value that most closely corresponds to a Variant type. 
Interface for database application. 
Interface to display device. 
IDBSession is the interface for database sessions. 
IProviderSupport is the interface that datasets use to enable a provider to represent them. 
Interface datasets use to enable providers to represent them with Unicode support. 
TAutoRefreshFlag Indicates whether the server provides field values, and if so, why. 
TBlobStreamMode indicates how a BLOB stream can be used. 
This is record DB.TBookmarkFlag. 
TDataAction indicates how an application should respond to a database error condition. 
TDataEvent identifies an event that occurs to a dataset. 
TDataSetState indicates the current operating mode of a dataset component. 
This is record DB.TDateTimeRec. 
This is record DB.TDBScreenCursor. 
TFieldAttribute and TFieldAttributes indicate various attributes of a field. 
TFieldKind indicates what type of information a field component represents. 
TFieldType is a set of values that parallel the data types of fields in tables. 
TFilterOption and TFilterOptions influence how filter strings are applied. 
This is record DB.TGetMode. 
This is record DB.TGetResult. 
TGroupPosInd and TGroupPosInds indicate the position of the current record within its group. 
This is record DB.TIndexOption. 
This is record DB.TLocateOption. 
This is record DB.TLookupListEntry. 
This is record DB.TPacketAttribute. 
TParamType and TParamTypes represent the use of parameters on datasets that represent queries or stored procedures. 
TProviderFlag and TProviderFlags indicate how a provider uses a field value when applying updates. 
This is record DB.TPSCommandType. 
TUpdateAction Indicates how an a dataset should proceed after an event handler has processed an update. 
TUpdateKind defines the values for the UpdateKind parameter of OnUpdateError and OnUpdateRecord event handlers. 
TUpdateMode indicates how to locate records so that they can be updated. 
TUpdateStatus indicates the update status of a record. 
This is type DB.Largeint. 
This is type DB.PBookmarkFlag. 
This is type DB.PLookupListEntry. 
This is type DB.PPacketAttribute. 
TBlobByteData stores the contents of a Binary Large Object (BLOB) field. 
This is type DB.TBlobData. 
TBlobType indicates the type of a BLOB field. 
TBookmark identifies a record in a dataset for later navigation. 
TBookmarkStr is a bookmark, represented as a string. 
This is type DB.TBufferList. 
This is type DB.TConnectChangeEvent. 
This is type DB.TDataChangeEvent. 
This is type DB.TDataOperation. 
TDataSetClass is the class type of a TDataSet descendant. 
This is type DB.TDataSetErrorEvent. 
This is type DB.TDataSetNotifyEvent. 
This is type DB.TDateTimeAlias. 
This is type DB.TDefUpdateMethod. 
This is type DB.TFieldAttributes. 
TFieldChars indicates the set of characters that are valid for field. 
TFieldClass is the class type of a TField descendant. 
This is type DB.TFieldGetTextEvent. 
This is type DB.TFieldKinds. 
This is type DB.TFieldNotifyEvent. 
This is type DB.TFieldRef. 
This is type DB.TFieldSetTextEvent. 
This is type DB.TFilterOptions. 
This is type DB.TFilterRecordEvent. 
This is type DB.TGroupPosInds. 
TIndexOptions describes the attributes of an index. 
TLocateOptions defines the values for the Options parameter of the Locate method of a dataset. 
This is type DB.TParamTypes. 
This is type DB.TProviderFlags. 
TResyncMode is a set of flags that indicate operations a dataset should perform when resynchronizing data. 
This is type DB.TSQLCommandType. 
This is type DB.TUpdateErrorEvent. 
This is type DB.TUpdateRecordEvent. 
This is type DB.TUpdateRecordTypes. 
This is type DB.TUpdateStatusSet. 
This is variable DB.DBApplication. 
This is variable DB.DBScreen. 
This is variable DB.DefaultFieldClasses. 
This is variable DB.LoginDialogExProc. 
This is variable DB.LoginDialogProc. 
Displays a dialog box that prompts the user for the password of a local password-protected table. 
This is variable DB.RemoteLoginDialogProc. 
This is variable DB.ScreenCursorProc. 
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