RAD Studio VCL Reference
TPropertyPage.HorzScrollBar Property

Represents the horizontal scroll bar for the scrolling windowed control.

property HorzScrollBar: TControlScrollBar;
__property TControlScrollBar HorzScrollBar;

Use HorzScrollBar to hide, show, or manipulate the horizontal scroll bar for the scrolling windowed control.  

C++ Examples: 


This example starts the form in a position scrolled so that
the right hand edge shows:
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
  /* set the width of the form window to display 300 pixels in the client area */
  ClientWidth = 300;
  /* now set the range to twice the client width.
   This means that the form has a logical size
   that is twice as big as the physical window.
   Note that Range must always be at least as big as ClientWidth! */
  HorzScrollBar->Range = 600;
  /* start the form fully scrolled */
  HorzScrollBar->Position = HorzScrollBar->Range - ClientWidth;
  /* clicking the scroll arrows moves the form 10 pixels */
  HorzScrollBar->Increment = 10;
  HorzScrollBar->Visible = true;  // Show the scrollbar


Delphi Examples: 

This example starts the form in a position scrolled so that
the right hand edge shows:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  ClientWidth := 300;
  with HorzScrollBar do
    { Set the range to twice the ClientWidth of the form }
    { This means that the form’s logical size is twice as big }
    { as the physical window. }
    { Note that Range must always be larger than the ClientWidth }
    Range := 600; 
    Position := Range - ClientWidth; { start form out fully scrolled }
    Increment := 10;  { clicking the scroll arrows moves the form 10 pixels }
    Visible := True;  { Show the scrollbar }


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