RAD Studio VCL Reference
TAction Class

TAction is the generic class for action objects that implement user commands across a range of different controls.

TAction = class(TCustomAction);
class TAction : public TCustomAction;


TAction is a generic action component. It can be added to action managers or action lists when there is no predefined action class that implements the desired response to user commands. Unlike predefined action classes, which have built-in methods that respond when users click the client controls, TAction has no built-in response to user commands. Instead, when using TAction, you can provide the response when the action "fires" by writing an OnExecute event handler, and configure the properties of TAction to reflect current conditions by writing an OnUpdate event handler. 

Action objects are used to centralize the response to user commands (actions) and to represent user interface elements in applications that use action bands. 

TAction can also act as a base class for predefined action classes. You can derive from TAction if you wish to retain the published scope of TCustomAction members, or derive from TCustomAction if you wish to modify their scope. 

For predefined actions that augment the behavior of TAction, see the action classes in the QStdActns unit.  

For predefined actions that augment the behavior of TAction, see the action classes in the StdActns , DBActns , and ExtActns units. 








Creating Toolbars and Menus 

Demo Programs: Actions 

What Happens When an Action Fires 

How Actions Find Their Targets 

Organizing Actions for Toolbars and Menus 

Predefined Action Classes 

Registering Actions 

Setting Up Action Bands 

Setting Up Action Lists 

Updating Actions 

Using Action Lists 

What Is an Action? 

Writing Action Components

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