A new file type has been added to the COM architecture for 2009 – the RIDL file (Restricted Interface Definition Language). The RIDL file is the storage mechanism that the project uses to persist the type library data to disk. RAD Studio now uses the .tlb file as an intermediate file (like a .res, .dcu, .obj, and so forth). This means that you can rebuild the .tlb file from the command line (outside the IDE), that .tlb files can be edited with a text editor, and the history is stored by the IDE.
The Type Library Editor now works on top of a .text file (the RIDL file) instead of the binary .tlb.
This change means that:
During a build, the RIDL file is compiled using the new type library generator, GenTLB.exe, to generate the binary .tlb file.
Copyright(C) 2009 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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