RAD Studio
Setting Up Action Bands

Because actions do not maintain any "layout" (either appearance or positional) information, Delphi provides action bands which are capable of storing this data. Action bands provide a mechanism that allows you to specify layout information and a set of controls. You can render actions as UI elements such as toolbars and menus. 

You organize sets of actions using the Action Manager (TActionManager). You can use standard actions provided or create new actions of your own. 

You then create the action bands:

  • Use TActionMainMenuBar to create a main menu.
  • Use TActionToolBarto create a toolbar.
The action bands act as containers that hold and render sets of actions. You can drag and drop items from the Action Manager editor onto the action band at design time. At runtime, application users can also customize the application's menus or toolbars using a dialog box similar to the Action Manager editor.

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