RAD Studio
Specifying a Connection Using DCOM

When using DCOM to communicate with the application server, client applications include a TDCOMConnection component for connecting to the application server. TDCOMConnection uses the ComputerName property to identify the machine on which the server resides. 

When ComputerName is blank, the DCOM connection component assumes that the application server resides on the client machine or that the application server has a system registry entry. If you do not provide a system registry entry for the application server on the client when using DCOM, and the server resides on a different machine from the client, you must supply ComputerName.

Note: Even when there is a system registry entry for the application server, you can specify ComputerName to override this entry. This can be especially useful during development, testing, and debugging.
If you have multiple servers that your client application can choose from, you can use the ObjectBroker property instead of specifying a value for ComputerName. For more information, see Brokering connections

If you supply the name of a host computer or server that cannot be found, the DCOM connection component raises an exception when you try to open the connection.

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