Use the -w option to specify message options for the CodeGear C++ compiler:
To display all warning and error messages, include the -w command option in your BCC32 command:
To enable reporting of the warning "Mixing pointers to different 'char' types" (option code ucp, Default OFF), include the following flag in your BCC32 command:
To disable reporting of the warning "Declaration ignored" (option code dig, Default ON), include the following flag in your BCC32 command:
To display help on the warning message codes, enter a compiler command that contains only the -h and -w options:
bcc32 -h -w CodeGear C++ 5.92 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2007 CodeGear Available options (* = default setting, xxx = has sub-options: use -h -X): (Note: -X- or -w-XXX will usually undo whatever was set or unset by -X) -w Display all warnings -w! Return non-zero from compiler on warnings -wamb 8000 Ambiguous operators need parentheses -wamp 8001 Superfluous & with function * -wasc 8002 Restarting compile using assembly -wasm 8003 Unknown assembler instruction * -waus 8004 '%s' is assigned a value that is never used * -wali 8086 Incorrect use of #pragma alias "aliasName"="substituteName" * -watr 8100 '%s' attribute directive ignored -wbbf 8005 Bit fields must be signed or unsigned int * -wbei 8006 Initializing %s with %s * -wbig 8007 Hexadecimal value contains too many digits * -wccc 8008 Condition is always %s -wcln 8009 Constant is long * -wcom 8010 Continuation character \ found in // comment * -wcpt 8011 Nonportable pointer comparison * -wcsu 8012 Comparing signed and unsigned values * -wcod 8093 Incorrect use of #pragma codeseg [seg_name] ["seg_class"] [grou -wdef 8013 Possible use of '%s' before definition * -wdig 8014 Declaration ignored * -wdpu 8015 Declare '%s' prior to use in prototype * -wdsz 8016 Array size for 'delete' ignored * -wdup 8017 Redefinition of '%s' is not identical * -weas 8018 Assigning %s to %s * -weff 8019 Code has no effect * -wext 8020 '%s' is declared as both external and static -wexc 8101 Extern C linkage ignored * -whch 8021 Handler for '%s' hidden by previous handler for '%s' * -whid 8022 '%s' hides virtual function '%s' * -wias 8023 Array variable '%s' is near * -wibc 8024 Base class '%s' is also a base class of '%s' * -will 8025 Ill-formed pragma -winl 8026 Functions %s are not expanded inline -winl 8027 Functions containing %s are not expanded inline * -wifr 8085 Function '%s' redefined as non-inline -wimp 8102 Implicit conversion of '%s' to '%s' * -wlin 8028 Temporary used to initialize '%s' * -wlvc 8029 Temporary used for parameter '%s' * -wlvc 8030 Temporary used for parameter '%s' in call to '%s' * -wlvc 8031 Temporary used for parameter %d * -wlvc 8032 Temporary used for parameter %d in call to '%s' * -wmpc 8033 Conversion to '%s' will fail for members of virtual base '%s' * -wmpd 8034 Maximum precision used for member pointer type '%s' * -wmsg 8035 %s * -wmes 8095 Incorrect use of #pragma message( "string" ) * -wmcs 8096 Incorrect use of #pragma code_seg(["seg_name"[,"seg_class"]]) * -wmcc 8098 Multi-character character constant -wnak 8036 Non-ANSI keyword used: '%s' -wnak 8036 Non-ANSI keyword used: '%s' * -wncf 8037 Non-const function %s called for const object * -wnci 8038 Constant member '%s' is not initialized * -wncl 8039 Constructor initializer list ignored * -wnfd 8040 Function body ignored * -wngu 8041 Negating unsigned value * -wnin 8042 Initializer for object '%s' ignored * -wnma 8043 Macro definition ignored * -wnmu 8044 #undef directive ignored -wnod 8045 No declaration for function '%s' * -wnop 8046 Pragma option pop with no matching option push * -wnsf 8047 Declaration of static function '%s(...)' ignored * -wnst 8048 Use qualified name to access member type '%s' * -wntd 8049 Use '< <' for nested templates instead of '<<' * -wnto 8050 No type OBJ file present. Disabling external types option. * -wnvf 8051 Non-volatile function %s called for volatile object * -wnpp 8083 Pragma pack pop with no matching pack push * -wobi 8052 Base initialization without a class name is now obsolete * -wobs 8053 '%s' is obsolete * -wofp 8054 Style of function definition is now obsolete * -wosh 8055 Possible overflow in shift operation * -wovf 8056 Integer arithmetic overflow * -wonr 8097 Not all options can be restored at this time * -wpar 8057 Parameter '%s' is never used * -wpch 8058 Cannot create pre-compiled header: %s * -wpck 8059 Structure packing size has changed * -wpia 8060 Possibly incorrect assignment -wpin 8061 Initialization is only partially bracketed * -wpow 8062 Previous options and warnings not restored * -wpre 8063 Overloaded prefix 'operator %s' used as a postfix operator * -wpro 8064 Call to function with no prototype * -wpro 8065 Call to function '%s' with no prototype -wprc 8084 Suggest parentheses to clarify precedence * -wpcm 8094 Incorrect use of #pragma comment( <type> [,"string"] ) * -wpsb 8099 Static `main' is not treated as an entry point * -wrch 8066 Unreachable code * -wret 8067 Both return and return with a value used * -wrng 8068 Constant out of range in comparison * -wrpt 8069 Nonportable pointer conversion * -wrvl 8070 Function should return a value -wsig 8071 Conversion may lose significant digits * -wspa 8072 Suspicious pointer arithmetic -wstu 8073 Undefined structure '%s' -wstv 8074 Structure passed by value * -wsus 8075 Suspicious pointer conversion -wstl 8087 '%s::operator==' must be publicly visible to be contained by a '% s' -wstl 8089 '%s::operator<' must be publicly visible to be contained by a '%s' -wstl 8090 '%s::operator<' must be publicly visible to be used with '%s' -wstl 8091 %s argument %s passed to '%s' is a %s iterator: %s iterator required -wstl 8092 %s argument %s passed to '%s' is not an iterator: %s iterator required * -wtai 8076 Template instance '%s' is already instantiated * -wtes 8077 Explicitly specializing an explicitly specialized class member makes no sense * -wthr 8078 Throw expression violates exception specification -wucp 8079 Mixing pointers to different 'char' types -wuse 8080 '%s' is declared but never used * -wvoi 8081 void functions may not return a value * -wzdi 8082 Division by zero
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