This section contains Keywords, Alphabetical Listing topics.
Name |
Description |
Category Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Operators, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers Syntax | |
Category Statements, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Keyword extensions Description You can specify the size for integer types. You must use the appropriate suffix when using extended integers. | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category (__rtti keyword) Modifiers, C++ Keyword Extensions, C++-Specific Keywords Description Runtime type identification is enabled by default. You can disable RTTI on the C++ page of the Project Options dialog box. From the command-line, you can use the -RT- option to disable it or -RT to enable it. If RTTI is disabled, or if the argument to typeid is a pointer or a reference to a non-polymorphic class, typeid returns a reference to a const type_info object that describes the declared type of the pointer or reference, and not the actual object that the pointer or reference is bound to.... more | |
Category Keyword extensions Description The keyword __thread is used in multithread programs to preserve a unique copy of global and static class variables. Each program thread maintains a private copy of a __thread variable for each thread. The syntax is Type __thread variable__name. For example | |
Category Statements, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions Form 1 | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Operators, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The and operator is an alternative representation of the && operator (binary or logical AND). If both operands have a value of true, the result has the value true. Otherwise, the result has the value false. Both operands are implicitly converted to bool and the result type is bool. Unlike the & (bitwise AND) operator, the && operator guarantees left-to-right evaluation of the operands. If the left operand evaluates to 0 (or false), the right operand is not evaluated. Both the and and && operators short-circuit (that is, do not... more | |
Category Keyword extensions, C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The bitand operator is an alternative representation of the &operator (bitwise AND). The bitwise AND operator compares each bit of the first operand to the corresponding bit of the second operand When both bits are 1, the corresponding result bit is set to 1. Otherwise, the corresponding result bit is set to 0. In order to use the bitand operator, you need to check the Enable new operator names option (the -Vn compiler switch, available on the Compatibility page of the ProjectOptions dialog box). | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The bitor operator is an alternative representation of the |~operator ( bitwise OR). bitor takes integer or enumeration operands. bitor may pass two or more arguments. These arguments must be character or numeric. When coded as a keyword, bitor can only pass two arguments. In either case, the result type is the same as the arguments: (1) unsigned if all arguments are unsigned, or (2) an integer. In order to use the bitor operator, you need to check the Enable new operator names option (the -VM compiler switch, available... more | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Statements Syntax Description Use the break statement within loops to pass control to the first statement following the innermost switch, for, while, or do block. Example This example illustrates the use of keywords break, case, default, return, and switch. | |
Category Statements Syntax | |
Category Statements, C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords, Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords, Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords, Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The compl operator is an alternative representation of the ~operator ( bitwise NOT). The compl operator is the abbreviation for complement. compl Inverts true to false and false to true, The tilde (~) is placed in front of the integer used for the complement. The complement of 1 would be 0, and vice versa. Besides an integer, ~ also outputs an enumeration type; this can be the result of the one’s complement of the operand. Integral calculations are performed. The type of the result is the type of the... more | |
Category Modifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Statements Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category Statements Syntax | |
Category Operators, C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Statements Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Description In the expression, dynamic_cast< T > (ptr), T must be a pointer or a reference to a defined class type or void*. The argument ptr must be an expression that resolves to a pointer or reference. If T is void* then ptr must also be a pointer. In this case, the resulting pointer can access any element of the class that is the most derived element in the hierarchy. Such a class cannot be a base for any other class. Conversions from a derived class to a base class, or from one derived class to... more | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Unimplemented Syntax | |
Category Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Attributes, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Statements, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category Statements Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Statements Syntax | |
Category Operators C++ Syntax | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions Form 1 | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords, Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Description Most real-world applications consist of more than one source file. The files can be authored and maintained by more than one developer. Eventually, the separate files are organized and linked to produce the final application. Traditionally, the file organization requires that all names that aren't encapsulated within a defined namespace (such as function or class body, or translation unit) must share the same global namespace. Therefore, multiple definitions of names discovered while linking separate modules require some way to distinguish each name. The solution to the problem of name clashes in the global scope is provided... more | |
Category Operators, C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Attributes, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The not operator is an alternative representation of the !operator (logical negation). not returns true if its operand is false, and false if its operand is truet. If an integer is 1, the expression of !1 indicates that the number is other than 1 So that is a true statement. not can also be used for strings as well. The expression !Smith indicates that the person's name is other than Smith.. not inverts the bits of the expression. In order to use the not operator, you need... more | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The not_eq operator is an alternative representation of != (bitwise inequality). It tests for logical inequivalence. not_eq compares two expressions to determine whether or not they are the same. Therefore, 7 != 8 returns true, while 7 != 7 returns false. The same is true for any expression such as Smith != Smith. which returns false. In order to use the not_eq operator, you need to check the Enable new operator names option (the -VM compiler switch, available on the Compatibility page of the ProjectOptions dialog box). | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Operators, C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The or operator is an alternative representation of the || operator ( logical OR). Only two statements can be evaluated at a time. or returns true if two values are different, such as 2 or 6. or returns false if both values are the same, such as 10 and 10. In order to use the or operator, you need to check the Enable new operator names option (the -VM compiler switch, available on the Compatibility page of the ProjectOptions dialog box). | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The or_eq operator is an alternative representation of !=(bitwise inclusive OR). or_eq tests for logical equivalence or bitwise equality. or_eq operates on two values. When the first value or the second value is 1, true is returned. When the values are 0, false is returned. In order to use the not_eq operator, you need to check the Enable new operator names option (the -VM compiler switch, available on the Compatibility page of the ProjectOptions dialog box). | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Statements Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category Operators Description The sizeof operator has two distinct uses: sizeof unary-expression sizeof (type-name) The result in both cases is an integer constant that gives the size in bytes of how much memory space is used by the operand (determined by its type, with some exceptions). The amount of space that is reserved for each type depends on the machine. In the first use, the type of the operand expression is determined without evaluating the expression (and therefore without side effects). When the operand is of type char (signed or unsigned), sizeof gives the result 1. When the... more | |
Category Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Statements, C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category Statements Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Example | |
Category Statements, C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Statements, C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Storage class specifiers Syntax | |
Category Operators, C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax 1 | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Description You can access namespace members individually with the using-declaration syntax. When you make a using declaration, you add the declared identifier to the local namespace. The grammar is using-declaration: using :: unqualified-identifier; | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Special types Syntax | |
Category Modifiers Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords, Type specifiers Syntax | |
Category Statements Syntax | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The xor operator is an alternative representation of the ^ operator (bitwise xor). It returns a Boolean true result if just one of its operands is true. This is in opposition to an inclusive or which denotes that both statements must be integers for a true statement to be returned. If 2 or 8.25 are stated to be integers, a true statement will be returned even though 8.25 is a decimal. If Jack and Jill are both stated to be male, a true statement would be returned even though Jill... more | |
Category Modifiers, Keyword extensions Syntax | |
Category C++-Specific Keywords Syntax | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The and_eq operator is an alternative representation of the &= assignment operator (bitwise AND). The value of the first operand is added to the value of the second operand, and the result is stored in the first operand. In order to use the and_eq operator, you need to check the Enable new operator names option (the -Vn compiler switch, available on the Compatibility page of the ProjectOptions dialog box). | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Alternative Representations of Operators and Tokens, Operators Syntax Description The xor_eq operator is an alternative representation of the ^=; operator (bitwise XOR assignment).. True is returned if one number on the left side of an equation is the same as another number on the right side, such as 10*5!=10*2. False is returned even if 6*3=9*2. In order to use the xor operator, you need to check the Enable new operator names option (the -VM compiler switch, available on the Compatibility page of the ProjectOptions dialog box). | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax | |
Category Reserved Words Syntax |
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