RAD Studio
IMPLIB.EXE, the Import Library Tool

IMPLIB takes as input either DLLs or module definition files, or both, and produces an import library as output. 

If you've created a Windows application, you've already used IMPORT32.LIB, the import library for the standard Windows DLLs. IMPORT32.LIB is linked automatically when you build a Win32 application in the C++Builder IDE and when using BCC32 at the command line.  

An import library lists some or all of the exported functions for one or more DLLs. IMPLIB creates an import library directly from DLLs or from module definition files for DLLs (or a combination of the two).

IMPLIB <options> <LibName> [< DefFiles>... | <DLLs>... ] [@<ResponseFile> | <sourcename> ] [<sourcename> ...] 

To display command line help, enter:  


Command Line Element 
An optional list of one or more of the following IMPLIB command options:
  • -a Adds '_' alias for cdecl functions for compatibility with Microsoft libraries. If the identifier already begins with an underscore (_), it is skipped (unless you use the -aa option).
  • -aa Forces the creation of an '_' alias for cdecl functions for compatibility with Microsoft libraries. If the identifier begins with an underscore (_), the -aa option adds a second underscore.
  • -c Emits warning on case sensitive symbols.
  • -f Forces imports by name.
  • -w Emits no warnings.
The name for the new import library.  
One or more existing module definition files for one or more DLLs. You must specify at least one DLL or module definition file.  
One or more existing DLLs. You must specify at least one DLL or one module definition file.  
An ACSII text file that contains a list of DEF and DLL files that you want to process using IMPLIB. In the response file, separate the filenames using either spaces or new lines.  
Either a DEF or DLL file that is to be processed by IMPLIB.  


implib foo.lib @respon.txt

Note: A DLL can also have an extension of .EXE or .DRV, not just .DLL.

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