RAD Studio
Customizing Decision Graphs

The decision graph component, TDecisionGraph, displays fields from the decision source (TDecisionSource) as a dynamic graph that changes when data dimensions are opened, closed, dragged and dropped, or rearranged with the decision pivot TDecisionPivot. You can change the type, colors, marker types for line graphs, and many other properties of decision graphs.

To customize a graph

  1. Right-click it and choose Edit Chart. The Chart Editing dialog box appears.
  2. Use the Chart page of the Chart Editing dialog box to view a list of visible series, select the series definition to use when two or more are available for the same series, change graph types for a template or series, and set overall graph properties. The Series list on the Chart page shows all decision cube dimensions (preceded by Template:) and currently visible categories. Each category, or series, is a separate object. You can:
    • Add or delete series derived from existing decision-graph series. Derived series can provide annotations for existing series or represent values calculated from other series.
    • Change the default graph type, and change the title of templates and series.
  3. Use the Series page to establish dimension templates, then customize properties for each individual graph series.
By default, all series are graphed as bar graphs and up to 16 default colors are assigned. You can edit the template type and properties to create a new default. Then, as you pivot the decision source to different states, the template is used to dynamically create the series for each new state. For template details, see Setting decision graph template defaults.

To customize individual series, follow the instructions in Customizing decision graph series.

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