RAD Studio
Using BDE-enabled Datasets

BDE-enabled datasets use the Borland Database Engine (BDE) to access data. They inherit the common dataset capabilities described in Understanding datasets, using the BDE to provide the implementation. In addition, all BDE datasets add properties, events, and methods for

There are three BDE-enabled datasets:
  • TTable, a table type dataset that represents all of the rows and columns of a single database table. See Using TTable for a description of features unique to TTable.
  • TQuery, a query-type dataset that encapsulates an SQL statement and enables applications to access the resulting records, if any. See Using TQuery for a description of features unique to TQuery.
  • TStoredProc, a stored procedure-type dataset that executes a stored procedure that is defined on a database server. See Using TStoredProc for a description of features unique to TStoredProc.
Note: In addition to the three types of BDE-enabled datasets, there is a BDE-based client dataset (TBDEClientDataSet) that can be used for caching updates.

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