Aside from the visible image manipulated in the Form designer, the most obvious attributes of a component are its properties, events, and methods. Each of these has a section devoted to it in this file, but the discussion that follows explains some of the motivation for their use.
Properties give the application developer the illusion of setting or reading the value of a variable, while allowing the component writer to hide the underlying data structure or to implement special processing when the value is accessed.
There are several advantages to using properties:
Class methods are procedures and functions that operate on a class rather than on specific instances of the class. For example, every component's constructor method (Create) is a class method. Component methods are procedures and functions that operate on the component instances themselves. Application developers use methods to direct a component to perform a specific action or return a value not contained by any property.
Because they require execution of code, methods can be called only at runtime. Methods are useful for several reasons:
An event is a special property that invokes code in response to input or other activity at runtime. Events give the application developer a way to attach specific blocks of code to specific runtime occurrences, such as mouse actions and keystrokes. The code that executes when an event occurs is called an event handler.
Events allow application developers to specify responses to different kinds of input without defining new components.
The section Creating events explains how to implement standard events and how to define new ones.
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