RAD Studio
E2502: Error resolving #import: problem (C++)

Where problem can be any of the following relating to problems with the various attributes of #include

unexpected import directive value attribute 'attribute'A value was supplied for the indicated attribute. None was expected. 

missing ')' in import directive attribute 'attribute'The value for the indicated attribute was incorrectly specified : a closing parenthesis is missing. 

unrecognized import directive attribute 'attribute'The indicated token is not a legitimate attribute for the #import directive. 

invalid values for raw_property_prefixes attributeThe values for the raw_property_prefixes attribute were incorrectly specified. 

unexpected duplicate property 'property'The indicated #import attribute was specified more than once -- this is an error. 

unexpected duplicate get method for property 'property'The get method for the indicated property was specified more than once. 

unexpected duplicate put method for property 'property'The put method for the indicated property was specified more than once. 

unexpected duplicate put-reference method for property 'property'The put-reference method for the indicated property was specified more than once. 

no return value specified for property get method 'method'The indicated property get method does not supply the correct return type. 

no return value specified for property put method 'method'The indicated property put method does not supply the correct return type. 

could not load type library in 'filename'The indicated type library could not be opened. 

could not obtain type library nameThe compiler could not obtain obtain a library name for the current type library

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