RAD Studio
Executing a Batch Move

Use the Execute method to execute a previously prepared batch operation at runtime. For example, if BatchMoveAdd is the name of a batch move component, the following statement executes it:




You can also execute a batch move at design time by right clicking the mouse on a batch move component and choosing Execute from the context menu. 

The MovedCount property keeps track of the number of records that are moved when a batch move executes. 

The RecordCount property specifies the maximum number of records to move. If RecordCount is zero, all records are moved, beginning with the first record in the source dataset. If RecordCount is a positive number, a maximum of RecordCount records are moved, beginning with the current record in the source dataset. If RecordCount is greater than the number of records between the current record in the source dataset and its last record, the batch move terminates when the end of the source dataset is reached. You can examine MoveCount to determine how many records were actually transferred.

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