RAD Studio


Type Trait Functions 


bool __has_trivial_destructor (typename T ) 

Returns true if and only if T has a trivial destructor. 

Errorif T is an incomplete type. 

Note: Definition from notes has a type T has a trivial destructor if T is one of:

  • a scalartype (or array thereof)
  • a scalartype (or array thereof)
  • an array of class type with a trivial destructor
  • an array of class type with a trivial destructor
  • a class type with a trivial destructor

According to Section 12.4, p 3 of the Working Draft, a destructor for class X is trivial if: 

  • it is not user-provided
  • class X has no virtual functions
  • class X has no virtual base classes
  • all of the direct base classes of its class have trivial destructors
  • for all of the non-static data members of its class that are of class type (or array thereof), each such class has a trivial destructor.

A destructor is not user provided if it is implicitly declared, or defined inline as = default; 

Ox interaction false if the destructor is defined as deleted. 

Ox interaction with default function definitions. 

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