RAD Studio
Working with Field Component Methods at Runtime

Field components methods available at runtime enable you to convert field values from one data type to another, and enable you to set focus to the first data-aware control in a form that is associated with a field component. 

Controlling the focus of data-aware components associated with a field is important when your application performs record-oriented data validation in a dataset event handler (such as BeforePost). Validation may be performed on the fields in a record whether or not its associated data-aware control has focus. Should validation fail for a particular field in the record, you want the data-aware control containing the faulty data to have focus so that the user can enter corrections. 

You control focus for a field's data-aware components with a field's FocusControl method. FocusControl sets focus to the first data-aware control in a form that is associated with a field. An event handler should call a field's FocusControl method before validating the field. The following code illustrates how to call the FocusControl method for the Company field in the Customers table:




The following table lists some other field component methods and their uses. For a complete list and detailed information about using each method, see TField.  

Selected field component methods  

Sets a field value to a specified value using an automatic conversion function based on the field's type.  
Clears the field and sets its value to NULL.  
Retrieves unformatted data from the field.  
Determines if a character entered by a user in a data-aware control to set a value is allowed for this field.  
Assigns unformatted data to this field.  
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