To change parameters, follow these steps:
- Select method in the Diagram View, in the Model View, or in the Editor.
- Choose Refactoring
Change Parameters from the main menu. Tip: Alternatively, you can right-click and choose Refactoring->Change Parameters
on the context menu.
- In the resulting dialog, select parameter from the list and choose the desired action:
- To add a new parameter, click Add and specify the parameter name, type, and default value.
- To delete parameter, click Remove.
- To rename parameter, click the Name field, and then click Edit. The Edit Parameter box opens.
- If applicable, check Refactor Ancestors.
- Check Preview Usages if necessary.
- If this option is checked when you click OK, the Refactoring window opens, allowing you to review the refactoring before committing to it. Click the Perform refactoring button to complete the changes. You can use the Undo and Redo commands as necessary once you have performed the refactoring.
- If this option is cleared when you click OK, the Refactoring window opens with the change completed. You can use the Undo and Redo commands as necessary once you have performed the refactoring.