If you do not have the RAD Studio IDE, you can use the External Translation Manager (ETM) to localize an application. To use ETM, the developer must provide you with the required ETM files and project files.
Note: The Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed on your computer before you install ETM.
To set up and register the ETM files
- Obtain the following ETM files from the developer. By default these files are in either the Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\n.n\Bin or the Windows\system32 directory on the developer's computer.
Note: If the developer chose to install only the Delphi for Win32 personality of RAD Studio, the files marked with an asterisk (*) will not be available on the developer's computer.
Borland.Delphi.dll *
Borland.Globalization.dll *
Borland.ITE.dll *
Borland.ITE.FormDesigner.dll *
Borland.SCI2.dll *
Borland.Vcl.dll *
Borland.VclRtl.dll *
Borland.VclX.dll *
DotnetCoreAssemblies100.bpl *
itedotnet<nnn>.bpl *
ResX<nnn>.bpl *
- Create a directory, such as C:\ETM.
- Copy the ETM files from the developer into the directory.
- Open ETM. From Windows Explorer, double-click etm.exe. From the command line, enter etm.exe.
- Choose Tools
- Click the Add button to display the Open dialog box.
- Navigate to the directory that contains the ETM files. Make sure that the Files of type filter is set to Designtime packages (dcl*.bpl).
- Select all of the designtime packages in the directory and click OK.
The designtime packages are registered and you can now begin using ETM.
To set up the project to be translated
- Obtain a zipped translation kit of the project to be translated from the developer. The kit should include the following:
- a satellite assembly or resource DLL for each language to be translated
- the .dproj project file generated by using File
Save as in the ETM project
- the standalone translation repository (*.tmx) files
- Unzip the translation kit into a directory of your choice.