RefactoringIntroduce Field
You can open the Introduce Field dialog from the Refactoring main menu, or by using the RefactoringIntroduce Field command on an expression in the Delphi Code Editor.
Name |
Enter a name for the new field. |
Visibility |
Choose the visibility for the new field. Using the combo box, choose from public, protected, private, internal or internal protected. |
Initialize |
Choose where to initialize the new field. Using the combo box, choose from Current method, Class constructor(s), or Field declaration. |
Static |
If applicable, check the Static field. |
Replace all occurrences |
If applicable, check this field to replace all occurrences of the expression. |
| |
OK |
Creates the new field and closes the dialog box. |
Cancel |
Discards all changes and closes the dialog box. |
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