RAD Studio VCL Reference
TDOMVendorList Class

TDOMVendorList represents a collection of available DOM implementations.

TDOMVendorList = class;
class TDOMVendorList;

TDOMVendorList is the type of the global DOMVendors variable. It represents a collection of DOM implementations (TDOMVendor objects). 

TDOMVendorList introduces a single property, Vendors, that can be used to iterate through all the DOM vendors in the collection. It also introduces methods that can be used to add, delete, or locate vendors.

Note: Do not explicitly use TDOMVendorList methods to add or delete vendors from the global DOMVendors variable. Instead, add or remove vendors from this global list by calling the global RegisterDOMVendor and UnRegisterDOMVendor procedures.


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