RAD Studio VCL Reference
This is type ComCtrls.ECommonCalExceptClass. 
This is type ComCtrls.PConversionFormat. 
PNodeCache is a pointer to a TNodeCache object. 
This is type ComCtrls.PNodeInfo. 
This is type ComCtrls.PRichEditStreamInfo. 
This is type ComCtrls.TAnimateResId. 
TAutoCompleteOptions specify options that control autocompletion. 
TComboBoxExStyles is the type for the Style property of extended combo box controls. 
This is type ComCtrls.TComboExInstance. 
This is type ComCtrls.TComboExItemClass. 
This is type ComCtrls.TComboExItemsClass. 
This is type ComCtrls.TConsistentAttributes. 
This is type ComCtrls.TConversionBuffer. 
This is type ComCtrls.TConversionClass. 
TCustomDrawPanelEvent is the type of the OnDrawPanel event handler. 
This is type ComCtrls.TCustomDrawSectionEvent. 
TCustomDrawState specifies a custom drawing state. 
This is type ComCtrls.TCustomHCCreateSectionClassEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TCustomSectionNotifyEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TCustomSectionTrackEvent. 
TDateTimeColors specifies colors used in a calendar control. 
This is type ComCtrls.TDrawPanelEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TDrawSectionEvent. 
TDrawTabEvent is the type for event handlers that render the tab of an owner-drawn TTabSet control. 
This is type ComCtrls.TDTParseInputEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.THCCreateSectionClassEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.THeaderSectionClass. 
This is type ComCtrls.THitTests. 
This is type ComCtrls.THKInvalidKeys. 
This is type ComCtrls.THKModifiers. 
This is type ComCtrls.TItemRequest. 
TItemState and TItemStates specify the state of an item in a list view control. 
This is type ComCtrls.TListGroupStateSet. 
TListHotTrackStyle and TListHotTrackStyles specify hot tracking styles for a list view control. 
This is type ComCtrls.TListItemClass. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVAdvancedCustomDrawEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVAdvancedCustomDrawItemEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVAdvancedCustomDrawSubItemEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVChangeEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVChangingEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVCheckedItemEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVColumnClickEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVColumnRClickEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVCompareEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVCreateItemClassEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVCustomDrawEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVCustomDrawItemEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVCustomDrawSubItemEvent. 
TLVDeletedEvent is the type of a list view's OnDeletion event handler. 
TLVDrawItemEvent is the type of the list view OnCustomDrawItem and OnDrawItem event handlers. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVEditedEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVEditingEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVInfoTipEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVNotifyEvent. 
TLVOwnerDataEvent is the type of a list view's OnData event handler. 
TLVOwnerDataFindEvent is the type of a list view's OnDataFind event handler. 
TLVOwnerDataHintEvent is the type of a list view's OnDataHint event handler. 
TLVOwnerDataStateChangeEvent is the type of a list view's OnDataStateChange event handler. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVSelectItemEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TLVSubItemImageEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TMultiSelectStyle. 
TOnGetMonthInfoEvent is the type of the TCommonCalendar.OnGetMonthInfo event handler. 
Indicates state information that can influence how an item is drawn. 
TPageScrollEvent is the type of a page scroller's OnScroll event handler. 
This is type ComCtrls.TProgressRange. 
This is type ComCtrls.TRichEditProtectChange. 
This is type ComCtrls.TRichEditResizeEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TRichEditSaveClipboard. 
TSBCreatePanelClassEvent is the type of the OnCreatePanelClass event handler. 
Set of TSearchType
TSectionDragEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when the user drags a section in a header control. 
This is type ComCtrls.TSectionNotifyEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TSectionTrackEvent. 
TStatusPanelClass defines the metaclass for TStatusPanel
This is type ComCtrls.TTabChangingEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTabGetImageEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTBAdvancedCustomDrawBtnEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTBAdvancedCustomDrawEvent. 
TTBButtonEvent is the type of event handlers that respond when the user adds or deletes a tool button in the toolbar customize dialog. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTBCustomDrawBtnEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTBCustomDrawEvent. 
TTBCustomDrawFlags is the type of the OnAdvancedCustomDrawButton event handler. 
TTBCustomizeQueryEvent is the type of event handlers that allow a toolbar to decide whether to allow a user customization. 
Specifies the style of the gradient. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTBNewButtonEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TToolButtonActionLinkClass. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTreeNodeClass. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnAdvancedCustomDraw event. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem event. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnChange event. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnChanging event. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCollapsing event. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCompare event. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTVCreateNodeClassEvent. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCustomDraw event. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCustomDrawItem event. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnEdited event. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnEditing event. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTVEditInstance. 
Represents the event handler for events that notify a tree view of changes to one of its nodes. 
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnExpanding event. 
This is type ComCtrls.TTVItemStateExSet. 
This is type ComCtrls.TUDChangingEvent. 
This is type ComCtrls.TUDChangingEventEx. 
This is type ComCtrls.TUDClickEvent. 
TWidth represents an integer interval. 
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