RAD Studio VCL Reference
Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCustomDrawItem event.
TTVCustomDrawItemEvent = procedure (Sender: TCustomTreeView; Node: TTreeNode; State: TCustomDrawState; var DefaultDraw: Boolean) of object;
(Sender: TCustomTreeView; Node: TTreeNode; State: TCustomDrawState; var DefaultDraw: Boolean) ( TTVCustomDrawItemEvent)();
This event is used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCustomDrawItem event.
Sender is the tree-view control in which an item is about to be drawn.
Node is the item that is about to be drawn.
State is the item's current state, which is a TCustomDrawState type: one or more of cdsSelected, cdsGrayed, cdsDisabled, cdsChecked, cdsFocused, cdsDefault, cdsHot, cdsMarked, cdsIndeterminate.
DefaultDraw specifies whether the control should paint the item after the event handler exits.
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