RAD Studio VCL Reference
TXMLBroker Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Adds an object to the Notify property list. 
Sends an XML delta packet of updated, inserted, and deleted records to the provider on the application server for writing to the database. 
Retrieves parameter values from the application server. 
Extracts an XML delta packet from an HTTP request message. 
Returns the number of errors in the delta packet returned by GetErrors
Returns the XML delta packet (if any) that describes the errors that occurred when applying updates. 
Retrieves an XML data packet from the application server. 
Returns the name of the HTML form that submits updates to the XML broker. 
Returns the name of the javascript variable for the XML broker's dataset. 
Removes an object to the Notify property list. 
Returns an XML data packet from the application server. 
Responds to an HTTP update request. 
Returns the name of the javascript variable for the XML broker's dataset. 
Associates the XML broker with a provider in the same process space. 
Returns the name of the variable that refers to the HTML form named by HTMLSubmitFormName
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