RAD Studio VCL Reference
Sends an XML delta packet of updated, inserted, and deleted records to the provider on the application server for writing to the database.
function ApplyXMLUpdates(const Delta: string; out ErrorCount: Integer): string;
__fastcall AnsiString ApplyXMLUpdates(const AnsiString Delta, int ErrorCount);
Call ApplyXMLUpdates to send the updates in the XML delta packet specified by Delta to the application server. ApplyXMLUpdates is used internally (by the RequestUpdate method) to apply updates in an XML delta packet and retrieve a delta packet containing any failed updates.
Delta is the XML delta packet that contains the insertions, deletions and modifications from a Web browser. Typically, it is retrieved from an HTTP request message using the GetDelta method.
ErrorCount returns the number of errors encountered on the application server before it terminated the update operation. If ErrorCount is 0, all updates were applied successfully. ErrorCount can not exceed the value of MaxErrors.
ApplyXMLUpdates returns an XML delta packet containing all updates that were not successfully applied. If ErrorCount is 0, this is an empty string.
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