RAD Studio VCL Reference
TControl Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Responds when the action associated with the control changes. 
Sets the size of the control as determined by the AutoSize property. 
Overrides the inherited AssignTo function to enable assignments to TAction objects. 
Begin Automatic Drag. 
Gives the coordinates of the cursor, with respect to the origin of the control. 
Indicates whether the control can resize itself automatically to accommodate its contents. 
OnCanResize event dispatcher. 
Sends a CM_CHANGED message to the control. 
Rescaling event dispatcher. 
Respond to user click. 
Notify control of resize with constraints. 
OnDblClick event dispatcher. 
Handles the painting and erasing of a dock image. 
Provides methods to read and write the IsControl property to a stream such as a form file. 
Processes the given message and returns some Boolean information based on the message's content. 
Handles dragging of the control over an invalid docking target. 
OnContextPopup event dispatcher. 
Docking event dispatcher. 
OnEndDock event dispatcher. 
OnEndDrag event dispatcher. 
Processes mouse wheel motion. 
OnMouseWheelDown event dispatcher. 
OnMouseWheelUp event dispatcher. 
OnStartDock event dispatcher. 
OnStartDrag event dispatcher. 
Provides the interface for a method that responds to the cancellation of a drag. 
OnDragOver event dispatcher. 
Draws the dock image for the control. 
Erases the dock image for the control. 
Returns the value of the Action property. 
Returns the appropriate action link class that is associated with the control class. 
Returns the screen coordinates of the top-left corner of the control's client area. 
Returns a rectangle defining the client area of the control. 
Returns a device context for the control. 
Returns the edge on which another control should be docked when it is dragged over the control. 
Returns the control's image list containing the image to be displayed while dragging. 
Returns the value of the DragMode property. 
Returns the value of the Enabled property. 
Returns the value of the Floating property. 
Returns the class used for the control when it is floating. 
Returns the handle to a palette for use by the control. 
Returns the pop-up menu associated with the control. 
Initializes the control after it is loaded from a stream. 
Triggers a TMouseActivateEvent event. 
OnMouseDown event dispatcher. 
Respond to mouse moving over control area.. 
OnMouseUp event dispatcher. 
Responds to notifications that components are being created or destroyed. 
Responds to changes in the system's palette by realizing the control's palette. 
Positions the docking rectangle according to the current drag-and-dock state. 
Prepares the control for having its properties assigned values read from a stream. 
Instructs the parent of a control to reposition the control, enforcing its Align property. 
Respond to control resize. 
Scales the values of the Constraints property to the given ratio. 
Scales the values of the Margins property to the given ratio. 
Cancels the modal state of the control. 
Sends a Windows message to the control's host dock site. 
Sets the value of the AutoSize property. 
Sets the control's bi-directional mode. 
Sets the value of the CustomHint property. 
Sets the drag mode for the control. 
Sets the value of the Enabled property. 
Sets the name of the control. 
Sets the parent of the control. 
Specifies whether the control uses its parent's BiDiMode
Repositions the control in its parent's control list, thereby changing position onscreen. 
Changes the Top, Left, Width, and Height properties of the control, but doesn't update its screen image and bypasses all resize events. 
Attempts to update the values of the explicit bounds of the control to those of its current bounds. 
Provides the interface for a method that responds to changes in the control's visibility. 
Provides specific message responses for the control. 
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