RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns a device context for the control.
function GetDeviceContext(var WindowHandle: HWND): HDC; virtual; overload;
virtual __fastcall HDC GetDeviceContext(HWND WindowHandle);
Call GetDeviceContext to obtain a device context and window handle. Override GetDeviceContext to change how the device context is obtained.
The window handle used by the control is returned in the WindowHandle parameter. GetDeviceContext returns the device context of this, the parent control's window.
C++ Examples:
/* The GetFormImage allows you to easily obtain a bitmap of a form. The following method can be added to a custom TWinControl descendant to save itself as a bitmap. Check the produced BMP file to confirm. Click the button and them double click on the newly created foo.bmp file to view. */ #include <memory> //for STL auto_ptr class class TMyControl : public TColorListBox { __published: // IDE-managed Components void __fastcall SaveAsBmp(TFileName fileName); private: // User declarations public: // User declarations __fastcall TMyControl(TComponent* Owner); }; TForm1 *Form1; TMyControl *MyControl1; __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { } __fastcall TMyControl::TMyControl(TComponent* Owner) : TColorListBox(Owner) { } typedef struct { TLogPalette lpal; TPaletteEntry dummy[256]; } LogPal; void __fastcall TMyControl::SaveAsBmp(TFileName fileName) { std::auto_ptr<TCanvas> tempCanvas(new TCanvas); HWND notUsed; tempCanvas->Handle = GetDeviceContext(notUsed); std::auto_ptr<TImage> image2save(new TImage(Form1)); // The owner will clean this up. image2save->Height = Height; image2save->Width = Width; TRect destRect = Rect(0,0,Width,Height); TRect sourceRect = destRect; image2save->Canvas->CopyRect(destRect, tempCanvas.get(), sourceRect); LogPal SysPal; SysPal.lpal.palVersion = 0x300; SysPal.lpal.palNumEntries = 256; GetSystemPaletteEntries(tempCanvas->Handle,0,256,SysPal.lpal.palPalEntry); image2save->Picture->Bitmap->Palette = CreatePalette(dynamic_cast<const tagLOGPALETTE *>(&SysPal.lpal)); image2save->Picture->SaveToFile(fileName); } void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { static_cast<TMyControl*>(MyControl1)->SaveAsBmp("../foo.bmp"); } void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { TMyControl* control = new TMyControl(Form1); // The owner will clean this up. MyControl1 = control; control->Parent = this; control->Visible = true; }
Delphi Examples:
{ The GetFormImage allows you to easily obtain a bitmap of a form. The following method can be added to a custom TWinControl descendant to save itself as a bitmap. Check the produced BMP file to confirm. Click the button and then double click on the newly created foo.bmp file to view. } type TMyControl = class(TColorListBox) procedure SaveAsBmp(fileName: TFileName); end; TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; MyControl1: TMyControl; implementation {$R *.dfm} type LogPal = record lpal : TLogPalette; dummy:Array[0..255] of TPaletteEntry; end; procedure TMyControl.SaveAsBmp(fileName: TFileName); var Source: TComponent; SysPal : LogPal; tempCanvas: TCanvas; sourceRect, destRect: TRect; image2save: TImage; notUsed: HWND; begin tempCanvas := TCanvas.Create; try tempCanvas.Handle := GetDeviceContext(notUsed); image2save:=TImage.create(self); try with image2save do begin Height := Self.Height; Width := Self.Width; destRect := Rect(0,0,Width,Height); sourceRect := destRect; Canvas.CopyRect(destRect,tempCanvas,sourceRect); SysPal.lPal.palVersion:=$300; SysPal.lPal.palNumEntries:=256; GetSystemPaletteEntries( tempCanvas.Handle,0,256,SysPal.lpal.palPalEntry); Picture.Bitmap.Palette:= CreatePalette(Syspal.lpal); end; image2save.Picture.SaveToFile(fileName); finally image2save.Free; end; finally tempCanvas.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin MyControl1.SaveAsBmp('foo.bmp'); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MyControl1:= TMyControl.Create(Form1); MyControl1.Parent:= Form1; MyControl1.visible := true; end;
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