RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomTreeView Events Protected Events
Protected Events
Occurs when new node is added. 
Occurs at discrete stages during the painting of the tree view control. 
Occurs at discrete stages during the painting of tree view nodes. 
Occurs when user cancels editing of a node's Caption. 
Occurs whenever the selection has changed from one node to another. 
Occurs when the selection is about to change from one node to another. 
Occurs after a node has been collapsed. 
Occurs when a node is about to be collapsed. 
Occurs when two nodes must be compared during a sort of the nodes in the tree view. 
Occurs when a node in the treeview is about to be created. 
Occurs immediately prior to painting the tree view control. 
Occurs immediately prior to painting a node in a tree view control. 
Occurs when a node in the tree view is deleted. 
Occurs after the user edits the Text property of a node. 
Occurs when the user starts to edit the Text property of a node. 
Occurs after a node is expanded. 
Occurs when a node is about to be expanded. 
Occurs when the tree view looks up the ImageIndex of a node. 
Occurs when the tree view looks up the SelectedIndex of a node. 
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