RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns the value of a specified attribute when you must explicitly specify the namespace for the attribute.
function GetAttributeNS(const AttrName: DOMString; const NamespaceURI: DOMString): OleVariant;
__fastcall OleVariant GetAttributeNS(const DOMString AttrName, const DOMString NamespaceURI);
Use the TXMLNode object's IXMLNode interface to call the protected GetAttributeNS method. GetAttributeNS returns the value of an attribute of this node.
AttrName is the name of the attribute.
NamespaceURI identifies the namespace in which the attribute resides.
GetAttributeNS returns the value of the specified attribute. If AttrName and NamespaceURI do not identify an attribute of this node, GetAttributeNS returns a Null Variant.
If this node is not an element node, GetAttributeNS raises an EXMLDocError exception.
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