RAD Studio VCL Reference
TXMLDocument.GeneratePrefix Method

Generates a unique namespace prefix that can be used for a node in the document.

function GeneratePrefix(const Node: IXMLNode): DOMString;
__fastcall DOMString GeneratePrefix(const IXMLNode Node);

Call GeneratePrefix to generate a new namespace prefix that is not already used in the document to represent a namespace URI. GeneratePrefix uses the NSPrefixBase property to generate a unique string to act as a namespace prefix. This unique string consists of NSPrefixBase followed by a number that ensures uniqueness. Thus, for example, if NSPrefixBase is 'NS', automatically-generated namespace prefixes have the form 'NS1', 'NS2', and so on. 

Node is the interface for the node which will use the newly-generated namespace prefix. 

The generated namespace prefixes are only unique within a single document. If two document components have the same value for NSPrefixBase, they will generate the same namespace prefixes. 


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