RAD Studio VCL Reference
Compares two strings.
function CompareStrings(const S1: WideString; const S2: WideString): Integer; virtual;
virtual __fastcall int CompareStrings(const BSTR S1, const BSTR S2);
TWideStrings uses CompareStrings internally to compare the values of strings that appear in the list. For example, the IndexOf and IndexOfName methods use CompareStrings to compare a specified string with the strings in the list.
S1 and S2 are the strings to compare.
CompareStrings returns a value less than 0 if S1 < S2, 0 if S1 == S2, and a value greater than 0 if S1 > S2.
As implemented in TWideStrings, CompareStrings uses the global WideCompareText function, which compares strings case insensitively. Some descendant classes override this method to change the way strings are compared (for example, to introduce case sensitivity).
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